Abstract class **Phalcon\\Cache\\Backend** ========================================== This class implements common functionality for backend adapters. A backend cache adapter may extend this class Methods ------- public **getFrontend** () ... public **setFrontend** (*unknown* $frontend) ... public **getOptions** () ... public **setOptions** (*unknown* $options) ... public **getLastKey** () ... public **setLastKey** (*unknown* $lastKey) ... public **__construct** (*unknown* $frontend, [*unknown* $options]) Phalcon\\Cache\\Backend constructor public *mixed* **start** (*unknown* $keyName, [*unknown* $lifetime]) Starts a cache. The keyname allows to identify the created fragment public **stop** ([*unknown* $stopBuffer]) Stops the frontend without store any cached content public *boolean* **isFresh** () Checks whether the last cache is fresh or cached public *boolean* **isStarted** () Checks whether the cache has starting buffering or not public *int* **getLifetime** () Gets the last lifetime set