Class **Phalcon\\Config** ========================= *implements* ArrayAccess, Countable Phalcon\\Config is designed to simplify the access to, and the use of, configuration data within applications. It provides a nested object property based user interface for accessing this configuration data within application code. .. code-block:: php array( "adapter" => "Mysql", "host" => "localhost", "username" => "scott", "password" => "cheetah", "dbname" => "test_db" ), "phalcon" => array( "controllersDir" => "../app/controllers/", "modelsDir" => "../app/models/", "viewsDir" => "../app/views/" ) )); Methods ------- public **__construct** ([*unknown* $arrayConfig]) Phalcon\\Config constructor public **offsetExists** (*unknown* $index) Allows to check whether an attribute is defined using the array-syntax .. code-block:: php get('controllersDir', '../app/controllers/'); public **offsetGet** (*unknown* $index) Gets an attribute using the array-syntax .. code-block:: php 'Sqlite'); public **offsetUnset** (*unknown* $index) Unsets an attribute using the array-syntax .. code-block:: php array('host' => 'localhost'))); $globalConfig->merge($config2); public **toArray** () Converts recursively the object to an array .. code-block:: php toArray()); public **count** () Returns the count of properties set in the config .. code-block:: php count(); public static **__set_state** (*unknown* $data) Restores the state of a Phalcon\\Config object private *Config merged config* **_merge** (*unknown* $config, [*unknown* $instance]) Helper method for merge configs (forwarding nested config instance)