Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query** ==================================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\QueryInterface `, :doc:`Phalcon\\Di\\InjectionAwareInterface ` This class takes a PHQL intermediate representation and executes it. .. code-block:: php executeQuery($phql, array( "name": "Lamborghini" )); foreach ($result as $row) { echo "Name: ", $row->cars->name, "\n"; echo "Price: ", $row->cars->price, "\n"; echo "Taxes: ", $row->taxes, "\n"; } Constants --------- *integer* **TYPE_SELECT** *integer* **TYPE_INSERT** *integer* **TYPE_UPDATE** *integer* **TYPE_DELETE** Methods ------- public **__construct** ([*unknown* $phql], [*unknown* $dependencyInjector]) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query constructor public **setDI** (*unknown* $dependencyInjector) Sets the dependency injection container public :doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` **getDI** () Returns the dependency injection container public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **setUniqueRow** (*unknown* $uniqueRow) Tells to the query if only the first row in the resultset must be returned public *boolean* **getUniqueRow** () Check if the query is programmed to get only the first row in the resultset final protected *string* **_getQualified** (*unknown* $expr) Replaces the model's name to its source name in a qualifed-name expression final protected *array* **_getCallArgument** (*unknown* $argument) Resolves a expression in a single call argument final protected *array* **_getFunctionCall** (*unknown* $expr) Resolves a expression in a single call argument final protected *string* **_getExpression** (*unknown* $expr, [*unknown* $quoting]) Resolves an expression from its intermediate code into a string final protected *array* **_getSelectColumn** (*unknown* $column) Resolves a column from its intermediate representation into an array used to determine if the resulset produced is simple or complex final protected *string* **_getTable** (*unknown* $manager, *unknown* $qualifiedName) Resolves a table in a SELECT statement checking if the model exists final protected *array* **_getJoin** (*unknown* $manager, *unknown* $join) Resolves a JOIN clause checking if the associated models exist final protected *string* **_getJoinType** (*unknown* $join) Resolves a JOIN type final protected *array* **_getSingleJoin** (*unknown* $joinType, *unknown* $joinSource, *unknown* $modelAlias, *unknown* $joinAlias, *unknown* $relation) Resolves joins involving has-one/belongs-to/has-many relations final protected *array* **_getMultiJoin** (*unknown* $joinType, *unknown* $joinSource, *unknown* $modelAlias, *unknown* $joinAlias, *unknown* $relation) Resolves joins involving many-to-many relations final protected *array* **_getJoins** (*unknown* $select) Processes the JOINs in the query returning an internal representation for the database dialect final protected *array* **_getOrderClause** (*array|string* $order) Returns a processed order clause for a SELECT statement final protected *array* **_getGroupClause** (*array* $group) Returns a processed group clause for a SELECT statement final protected *array* **_prepareSelect** () Analyzes a SELECT intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later final protected *array* **_prepareInsert** () Analyzes an INSERT intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later final protected *array* **_prepareUpdate** () Analyzes an UPDATE intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later final protected *array* **_prepareDelete** () Analyzes a DELETE intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later public *array* **parse** () Parses the intermediate code produced by Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Lang generating another intermediate representation that could be executed by Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query public :doc:`Phalcon\\Cache\\BackendInterface ` **getCache** () Returns the current cache backend instance final protected :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface ` **_executeSelect** (*unknown* $intermediate, *unknown* $bindParams, *unknown* $bindTypes) Executes the SELECT intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Resultset final protected :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\StatusInterface ` **_executeInsert** (*unknown* $intermediate, *unknown* $bindParams, *unknown* $bindTypes) Executes the INSERT intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Status final protected :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\StatusInterface ` **_executeUpdate** (*unknown* $intermediate, *unknown* $bindParams, *unknown* $bindTypes) Executes the UPDATE intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Status final protected :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\StatusInterface ` **_executeDelete** (*unknown* $intermediate, *unknown* $bindParams, *unknown* $bindTypes) Executes the DELETE intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Status final protected :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface ` **_getRelatedRecords** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $intermediate, *unknown* $bindParams, *unknown* $bindTypes) Query the records on which the UPDATE/DELETE operation well be done public *mixed* **execute** ([*unknown* $bindParams], [*unknown* $bindTypes]) Executes a parsed PHQL statement public *á¹”halcon\Mvc\ModelInterface* **getSingleResult** ([*unknown* $bindParams], [*unknown* $bindTypes]) Executes the query returning the first result public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **setType** (*unknown* $type) Sets the type of PHQL statement to be executed public *int* **getType** () Gets the type of PHQL statement executed public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **setBindParams** (*unknown* $bindParams) Set default bind parameters public *array* **getBindParams** () Returns default bind params public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **setBindTypes** (*unknown* $bindTypes) Set default bind parameters public *array* **getBindTypes** () Returns default bind types public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **setIntermediate** (*unknown* $intermediate) Allows to set the IR to be executed public *array* **getIntermediate** () Returns the intermediate representation of the PHQL statement public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query ` **cache** (*unknown* $cacheOptions) Sets the cache parameters of the query public **getCacheOptions** () Returns the current cache options