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Class Phalcon\Debug\Dump

Dumps information about a variable(s)


$foo = 123;
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->var($foo, "foo");

$foo = "string";
$bar = ["key" => "value"];
$baz = new stdClass();
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->vars($foo, $bar, $baz);


public getDetailed ()


public setDetailed (unknown $detailed)


public __construct ([unknown $styles], [unknown $detailed])

Phalcon\Debug\Dump constructor

public string all ()

Alias of vars() method

protected string getStyle (unknown $type)

Get style for type

public array setStyles ([unknown $styles])

Set styles for vars type

public string one (unknown $variable, [unknown $name])

Alias of var() method

protected string output (unknown $variable, [unknown $name], [unknown $tab])

Prepare an HTML string of information about a single variable.

public string var (unknown $variable, [unknown $name])

Returns an HTML string of information about a single variable.


echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->var($foo, "foo");

public string vars ()

Returns an HTML string of debugging information about any number of variables, each wrapped in a “pre” tag.


$foo = "string";
$bar = ["key" => "value"];
$baz = new stdClass();
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->vars($foo, $bar, $baz);
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